Another year is flying by and the Holiday
Season has begun! Whether the Holiday
Festivities are celebrated or not, our well-
being is always of utmost importance. This
Thanksgiving season is known for being a
time of connection, not just with food and
loved ones. For some it is a time of stress,
grief and even dread. Regardless of where
you fall on the Holiday timeline, practicing
gratitude towards yourself and for yourself
calls for the best celebration of all - the
celebration of YOU!
What are you grateful for?
Is it your dazzling sense of humor? Resilience?
Perhaps your works of art or that delicious dish
you’ve mastered? Is it the breath in your lungs or
the socks on your feet? What about YOU is worth
There is always something to celebrate. It starts
with YOU! Remind yourself that regardless of
where you are or what you’ve gone through, self-
gratitude honors your whole essence of being just
as you are!
How will you honor yourself this Holiday?